Privacy Policy
Please read our privacy policy before using our services. By using Manga Storm CBR, you are accepting the practices described in this privacy policy.
What data do we collect?
Your privacy is important to us so we only collect information that is needed by functions those you use in the app. Here are some important ones.
- Information that the app received after you have signed in to third-party cloud storage services (Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox and Box). It may include your username, full name and a small data called "access token" which acts as the key to authorize the app to access their services. This information is encrypted and stored in the secure storage called Keychains on your device.
- Information that you enter into the app for using to connect to your FTP or WebDAV servers. It may include your username and password. This information is encrypted and stored in the setting file of the app.
- Comic files those you import to the app (manually or import through cloud storage services, FTP or WebDAV servers). They are uncompressed and stored in standard app data location.
- Other information that you enter into the app. It includes but not limited to comic groups, preview images, settings, etc. This information is stored in standard app data location.
- Your device information. We use Ad serving SDKs from our partners to serve ads so it may collect your device information including advertising identifier, hardware model, operating system version, IP address, mobile network information, and coarse geo-location information and send to their servers. This information is collected only if you are using the free version of the app.
What data do we disclose/share and whom do we disclose/share with?
- We do not disclose or share information that we receive from third-party cloud storage services, or data that you enter, or files those you import into the app.
- For your device information, our Ad serving partners may disclose and share this information to their partners. You can find more detail about their privacy policies in the section "Third-parties' privacy policies".
How do we use your data?
- The app uses information that it received after you have signed into third-party cloud storage services, or username and password of FTP/WebDAV servers that you entered into the app to authenticate, retrieve list of your files on their servers and display them to you. The app also use it to download comic files from their servers to the app in case you request.
- Imported comic files are only used to display to you when you choose to read their content in the app.
- Our Ad serving partners may use your device information to serve personalized ads to you.
How can you prevent Ad serving SDKs to collect your data?
You can configure your device to not give out Advertising Identifier. This will prevent Ad serving SDKs in the app from collecting your data. Please follow below steps to do it.
For iOS14 or newer
- Go to iOS Settings
- Tap "Privacy & Security"
- Tap "Apple Advertising"
- Disable "Personalized Ads"
For iOS13 or older
- Go to iOS Settings
- Tap "Privacy"
- Tap "Advertising"
- Enable "Limit Ad Tracking"
Third-parties' privacy policies